Imagine A Bulimia Treatment Programme That Gives You Freedom From Bulimia At Last
And Helps You To Feel Confident, Vibrant & Renewed!
“Are you suffering from the harmful effects of bulimia, like:
Feeling eternally hopeless and beyond help
- Stomach bloating and discomfort
- Trapped inside the vicious binging and purging cycles
- Problems with sensitive teeth,enamel wear, acidic corrosion, tooth loss, decay
- Swollen glands and swollen face that make you feel “fat”
- Getting depressed when you look in the mirror
- Isolation & frequent panic and anxiety attacks
Do you wish you could get your hands on a bulimia treatment which would put an END to these frustrations & problems, and help you to feel confident, healthy & vibrant permanently – with the right help?
Hello, my name is Vathani Navasothy, I’m an eating disorder therapist specializing in helping bulimia sufferers kick the bulimic, binging and purging habit once and for all.
As a well established bulimia therapists, with clients world over, and having been routinely featured on TV shows like Living TV and radio programs like BBC Radio 4 , including feature articles in newspapers like The Guardian – I know the devastation of what you face daily!
I can show you how to create new, winning habits, and help you emotionally & behaviourally adopt a more healthy lifestyle, using a proven program that I’ve been teaching for over 29 years!”
To Learn More About The Bulimia Treatments And How You Can Free Yourself From Bulimia, And Live A Healthy, Balanced, and Happy Life, Choose From The Options Below”