Binge Eating Disorder Treatment

There are different types of eating disorders and Binge Eating Disorder is most likely the most common type of eating disorder nowadays. It can also come with another type of eating disorder known as bulimia nervosa. Signs of binge eating disorder include eating very large amount of food and feeling no control or helpless over their eating habit. Bulimia nervosa or binge-purge syndrome is different from binge eating disorder because individuals who suffer from binge eating disorder do not purge after eating by vomiting or with the use of laxatives. The ratio is three women fro every two men have binge eating disorder, making it safe to say that binge eating disorder is more common in women that in men. And it also affects blacks more often as compared to whites. More than 4 million Americans in the United States suffer from binge eating disorder that is about 2 percent of the total adult population of the United States and approximately 10-15 percent of people who are obese suffer from binge eating disorder.

Eating disorders such as binge eating, bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa involve unhealthy eating patterns. Bulimia sufferers eat unusually large amounts of food and then forcefully vomit or use laxatives to avoid gaining weight, these people also fast at times or have exhaustive exercise are eating large amount of food. All of these eating disorders would most likely lead to more serious and life-threatening health conditions and a lot of emotional distress not only to the sufferers but also their families.

There are a lot of causes of Binge Eating Disorder which include: Depression, Anger, sadness, Boredom, Anxiety and other emotional problems might lead to this eating disorder. If you’ve noticed that you or a loved one has the following symptoms: Eating unusually large amount of food than normal, frequent dieting without the loss of weight, food hoarding and hiding empty food containers, depressed over the amount of food eaten then it is time and a very good idea to consult and seek help at a local treatment center.

There are countless methods of treating binge eating disorder including Drug therapy- people with binge eating disorder are prescribed with anti-depressants; it might be helpful only if the cause of binge eating disorder is depression. Another technique is to train and monitor the patient or sufferer to change their eating habits as well as train them how to handle difficult and stressful situations; this is called cognitive-behavioral therapy and don’t forget that families and friends are also vital part of the treatment regimen. Click here to read about bulimia treatment.

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  • Winsor Pilates

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