Eating disorder bulimia nervosa self-help program
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"You gave me the kick start I needed but it's the encouragement & genuine interest that's really helped me towards my goals. Thank you for everything."


: "I wanted to say a proper thank you for Karen, she is on an even keel now and I want to say a huge thank you for everything you have done for her. PS Good news - Karen has an interview for Cambridge!! With every good wish"

-Karen's Mother

: "I feel full of wellbeing and now look forward to the future - it made me realize that I am not the only person in the world to suffer from Bulimia - thank you - you have changed my life!"

-Lesley P.
South Devon


Females aged 15 to 30 are more likely to suffer from bulimia than any other age group.

Vomiting after a binge won't prevent you from gaining weight because the calories are still absorbed by the stomach and small intestine.

Taking laxatives reduces calorie absorption by less than 10%.

Broccoli, the only vegetable that is a flower; is also a super food rich in vitamin C.

Apples are more efficient than caffeine in waking you in the mornings.

The average calorific content of a bulimic binge is between 1,500 and 3,500 calories.

A study of fashion mannequins showed that, if they were human, they would fail to menstruate because they are so thin.

Drinking a glass of grapefruit juice 30 minutes before a meal is a natural way to curb your appetite.

Bulimia Hope Café

"If someone believes in you, and you believe in your dreams, it can happen."

-Tiffany Loren Rowe

Our purpose is to build a supportive community here - so if you would like to share your thoughts and feelings with other members and visitors we'd all be delighted to read what you have to say! Please bear in mind that everybody who writes in the Café feels vulnerable in some way, and almost certainly you will feel like this too. But remember that it's OK to express emotions that are different from "the crowd" if you want to. For example, if the current hot topic in the Café is binge eating and diets, don't feel discouraged if YOU want to mention different issues such as your body-image or lack of self esteem.

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