Bulimia Hope Café
"If someone believes in you, and you believe in your dreams, it can happen."
-Tiffany Loren Rowe
Our purpose is to build a supportive community here - so if you would like to share your thoughts and feelings with other members and visitors we'd all be delighted to read what you have to say! Please bear in mind that everybody who writes in the Café feels vulnerable in some way, and almost certainly you will feel like this too. But remember that it's OK to express emotions that are different from "the crowd" if you want to. For example, if the current hot topic in the Café is binge eating and diets, don't feel discouraged if YOU want to mention different issues such as your body-image or lack of self esteem.
Entries in the Bulimia-Hope café are restricted to logged in members only . If would like to leave a message and you are already a member of bulimiahope.com please log in while you are on the forum.